Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week 1, task 5

  • think about the pedagogical uses of one of the tools I've come across this week
  • devise a lesson plan with the digital tools and share with my peers

I used Prezi for the first time last week for my introduction. I think that this tool would work well for teacher-led presentations or student-led presentations. On aspect of Prezi that impressed me was that it seems to be rather non linear when compared to PowerPoint presentations. This could be very helpful for presenting ideas that are more cyclical than linear. For example, I could use Prezi to create a visual representation of writing processes like brainstorming, drafting, reviewing, editing, etc. Using Prezi would allow me to visually emphasize the idea that these stages of writing often repeat and feed into one another.

Students could also use Prezi to express non-linear relationships. For example, students could create vocabulary presentations that show picture, sound, and/or video associations with the target vocabulary. They could present their vocabulary collages/presentations to the other students to foster discussion about the meanings and uses of target vocabulary.

Below is an sample of what this might look like...


1 comment:

  1. Great vocabulary presentation! I want to give it a try at Prezi, don't know what to do. Thanks for sharing your ideas!
